Productions Featured

41 Productions tagged "Featured"

“Arndt Pekurinen” installaation esitykset käynnistyivät Sodan ja rauhan keskus MUISTIssa 4.6.2021

Arndt Pekurinen on draamadokumentti, joka kertoo suomalaisen pasifistin Arndt Pekurisen (1905-1941) elämästä ja kohtalosta. Pekurinen oli aseistakieltäytyjä, joka ei luopunut aatteestaan, vaan kuoli sen vuoksi.Arndt Pekurinen is a drama documentary

“Mirages” at the Avant Première Online Market Screenings 2021

Avant Première Music + Media Market Berlin is the largest trade fair, market place, conference
and networking event for music + dance films. Online Market Screenings are streamed live
online + in full length to all registered participants of Avant Première.

Mirages Online Market Screening is on Tuesday 16th at 13.00 CET.


Ajan virta – Tidens ström – The Flow of Time

'The Flow of Time' is about the Porvoonjoki River and the people who have lived along the river in different eras. The work is an audiovisual poem, a collage in where the historical milieu of Porvoo city, the everyday life of the past, merges with the landscape and images of today’s river valley.

Documentary Exhibition Experimental Featured Installation Media Art Music Film Music video Photography Video Art Web Art

Akeno Project Vol 7.

A telepresence performance by Akeno, Marikki Hakola and Otna Eahket Band.A telepresence performance by Akeno, Marikki Hakola and Otna Eahket Band.
Experimental Featured Media Art Performance Telepresence Virtual Scenography Virtual Stage

Anna from Benin

A documentary directed by Monique Phoba.A documentary directed by Monique Phoba.
Documentary Featured TV series

Arndt Pekurinen

Arndt Pekurinen is a drama documentary about the life and destiny of the Finnish pacifist Arndt Pekurinen (1905-1941).

Documentary Exhibition Experimental Featured Installation Media Art Video Art Visual Art

Arto Tamminen: Neljän ruuhka

A music clip directed by Marikki Hakola and Raimo Uunila.
Featured Music video

Avant Première Talk ‘Mirages – an innovative exploration combining arts and technologies’

Presented by KROMA Productions This Avant Première Talk is about using innovative technologies in order to create world class art, using the example of the extraordinary production “Mirages”. Mirages is


A short film directed by Antonia Ringbom.
Featured Short Fiction Visual Art

Borgar och slott i Västra Nyland

TV-serien är regisserad av Liina Toiviainen.
Documentary Featured TV series

Butterfly Lovers

A music and dance film directed by Marikki Hakola. Music He Zhan-Hao & Chen Gang. Choreography Huang Dou Dou.
Dance Film Featured Music Film Short Fiction Virtual Scenography Virtual Stage


CONTINUUM is a dance video on a theme of war, power and violence. CONTINUUM is a dance video on a theme of war, power and violence. In the world of Continuum people live and die in circumstances, where civilization is only a gauze misting the sight in the reality of violence. In a continuous process – continuum – violence spreads out from individual acts into structural forms of violence in society and reflects back again in individual human destinations. CONTINUUM is a description of a crisis, where everybody is a victim.

Dance Film Experimental Featured R&D Short Fiction Video Art Virtual Scenography Virtual Stage


A short film directed by Raimo Uunila.

Experimental Featured Media Art Short Fiction Video Art

Contra (installation)

A video installation by Raimo Uunila.
Experimental Featured Installation Media Art Video Art


A video work directed by Marikki Hakola.
Dance Film Experimental Featured Video Art

Daughters of War

A documentary directed by Maria Barea.
Documentary Featured TV series


The video work "Deadine" by Turppi Group presents the renewing powers of nature as the antithesis of the ideology of endless growth symbolized by urban environment. The black line of the work - deadline - is not in the end drawn between life and death, but between two opposite worldviews.

Experimental Featured Performance Video Art Visual Art

Der Lindenbaum

Der Lindenbaum is a classical music short film based on the song composed by Franz Schubert and the poem by Wilhelm Müller. The performers are contralto Qiulin Zhang and pianist Pami Karvonen.

Featured Music Film Music video

Elonkierto – The Circle of Life

"I make sculptures on the trunks of living trees with the natural clay I dig from the forest. I am looking for a suitable place and tree in the forest for the work. The themes of all my sculptures are related to nature. The subjects are Finnish mythological characters and the Second Skin. I call my works process art. I don't use any fixing materials in my sculptures. The idea is that the material of the sculptures returns to the cycle of nature. The duration of the works depends on weather conditions. I started modelling my forest works in the summer of 2020. More than a hundred figures have been born and the work continues. In winter, the material changes from clay to snow and ice. Documenting the work with a camera is an essential part of the process." Jarmo Vellonen

Experimental Featured Media Art Video Art Web Site

Epa Tamminen in Memoriam

Epa Tamminen (6.4.1958 – 22.11.2021) worked as a sound designer and stage manager at Kroma Productions for twenty-eight years. Numerous works to which he made significant artistic work have been

Kiko – Traveller is my name

The drama documentary "KIKO – traveller is my name", directed by Minna Tarkka, is an audiovisual essay on the cultural differences of East and West, following the Japanese haiku poet Basho's travel sketch Records of a Travel-worn Satchel.

Documentary Featured

Kroma Productions proudly presents MIRAGES – the origin of Mirages lies in Kaija Saariaho’s music

Director Marikki Hakola is exited with her latest work – “The Mirages project combines many of the things that have fascinated me during my entire career, such as interactivity, the

Kulttuuri ja historia -projektit

Kroma Productions Oy tuottaa museoiden, tapoahtumien ja kulttuuriorganisaatioiden sisältöihin, historiaan ja kulttuurihistoriaan liittyviä multimediatuotantoja, videoita, streamauksia, televisio-ohjelmia ja tv-sarjoja. Näissä projekteissa on tilaajana ja asiakkaana mm. museoita, juhlatoimikuntia, televisioyhtiöitä, kuntia sekä koulutus- ja kulttuuri-organisaatioita.

Exhibition Featured Multimedia Printed Matter Research and Development TV series Virtual Stage VR/AR/XR Web Site

Kuusi kuvaa mediataiteilija, elokuvaohjaaja Marikki Hakolan elämästä

Mediataiteilija ja elokuvaohjaaja Marikki Hakola oli 1980-luvulla uusien taidemuotojen pioneeri: hän oli ensimmäinen, joka teki Suomen taideakatemian kouluun, nykyiseen Kuvataideakatemiaan, lopputyönä videoteoksen. Hakola on tehnyt myös performanssia, maataidetta, multimediateoksia, installaatioita,

L’Enfant et les sortilèges

THE BEWITCHED CHILD is a fantasy film for the whole family. The story follows how a small child faces the strange consequences of his thoughtless and mean deeds.

Animation Dance Film Featured Music Film Short Fiction Virtual Scenography Virtual Stage


"Luonnotar" is a music and dance film (10 min.), an animation based on the symphonic poem composed by Jean Sibelius for soprano and symphony orchestra.

Animation Dance Film Featured Music Film Short Fiction Video Art Virtual Scenography Virtual Stage

Marikki Hakola’s early works at the KOHTA art gallery in Helsinki 14.4.-22.6.2023

The “Shallow Springs” group exhibition include works of artist from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Finland. Media artist Marikki Hakola’s early works “The Time is Right for…” (1984), “Cricket” (1987-88) and
Event Exhibition Experimental Featured


“I am a woman who flies. I am a woman who swims, because I can swim in the infinite.”
Mirages is a survival story told by a strong female voice. The music and dance film deals with questions around identity, empowerment and community belonging. The film combines performing arts and virtual scenography into an interdisciplinary experience. Mirages is directed by Marikki Hakola. Music is by Kaija Saariaho.

Animation Dance Film Experimental Featured Media Art Multimedia Music Film Music video Performance R&D Research and Development Short Fiction Video Art Virtual Scenography Virtual Stage VR/AR/XR

Mirages projektin ensimmäiset kuvaukset Magnusborgissa 2-6.7.2018

Mirages projektin ensimmäiset kuvaukset toteutettiin 2.-6.7.2021. Kuvausryhmä onnellisena ja tyytyväisenä hyvin sujuneiden kuvausten jälkeen Magnusborgfin studioiden portailla. Kuvassa vasemmalta tanssitaiteilija Jarkko Lehmus, koreografi, tanssitaiteilija Johanna Nuutinen, ohjaaja, tuottaja Marikki Hakola, studiopäällikkö Epa Tamminen, tuottaja Paula Pitkänen. pukusuunnittelija Heli Salomaa ja pääkuvaaja Mika Tertsunen. Kiitos tiimi ja kiitos Magnusborg!


Moloch – Earthly Gestures

MOLOCH is an interactive installation and a web art piece. The starting point of the work is a wall painting made by Mikael Toppelius in 1779 at the church of Haukipudas, The Last Judgment. This multimedia work invites the viewer to interpret the wild and rich pictorial narrative of the wall painting in a new manner. Interactive animation, music and auditive sound space transform delicately the content, levels of meaning and interpretation of this Baroque composition, raising ultimate questions about time, existence and human suffering.

Animation Exhibition Experimental Featured Installation Media Art Multimedia R&D Research and Development Visual Art VR/AR/XR Web Art Web Site

Muusikot Riikka Hakola, Jan Erik Gustafsson ja Pami Karvonen Musiikkitalon studiossa

Muusikot Riikka Hakola, Jan Erik Gustafsson ja Pami Karvonen tallensivat Kaija Saariahon sävellyksiä Sibelius-Akatemian äänitysstudiossa, Musiikkitalossa 25.-29.6.2018. Musiikki tallennettiin MIRAGES elokuvan soundtrackia varten. Musiikin äänittivät Epa Tamminen ja Petri Lehtola

Sibelius and Luonnotar

A music documentary directed by Marikki Hakola.
Documentary Featured Music Film

StarHop Creative Ltd is born!

Kroma is proud to be a partner and collaborator of StarHop Creative! StarHop is connecting the virtual and the physical audiovisual experiences for multiple platforms. StarHop Creative Ltd is an

Stilleben – Milena’s Journey

"Stilleben - Milena’s Journey" is a video work based on the radiophonic composition ”Stilleben” by composer Kaija Saariaho. The video work is directed by Marikki Hakola.

Experimental Featured Media Art Music Film Short Fiction Video Art

The Premiere of Ajan virta – The Flow of Time on Feb 12th 2021

The Premiere of Ajan virta – The Flow of Time takes place on Feb 12th 2021 as part of the Light Festival 2021 in Porvoo Museum Square. “THE FLOW OF

The Time is Right for…

The Time is Right for... is an installation and a video work directed by Marikki Hakola

Experimental Featured Installation Media Art Video Art Visual Art


The theme of TransVersum is expressions of identity and sexuality. The story is is a growth process, a portrait of a persona in the post-industrial era, on a survival camp of the techno society. Directed by Marikki Hakola. Choreography by Ismo-Pekka Heikinheimo.

Dance Film Experimental Featured Video Art

Triad Project

TRIAD is an art work to be seen on the Internet. It looks at the semiotic connections between dance, cinema and hypermedia from viewpoints of three different cultures.

Event Experimental Featured Installation Media Art Multimedia Performance R&D Research and Development Telepresence Transmedia Video Art Virtual Scenography Virtual Stage Visual Art Web Art Web Site

Ullan tarina / Ullas saga

"Ullan tarina" on uusi Porvoon Valtiopäivistä 1809 kertova verkkosivusto. Historian tapahtumia tarkastellaan hovineito Ulrika Möllersvärdin näkökulmasta.  Kroma Productions Oy on tuottanut verkkosivuston yhteistyössä Porvoon museon ja Porvoon kaupungin kehitys- ja markkinointiyksikön kanssa.
"Ullas saga" är en ny webbsida om Borgå Lantdag 1809. Historiska händelsena berättas från synvinkel av jungfrun Ulrika Möllersvärd. Kroma Productions Ab har producerat ”Ullas saga” webbsidan i samarbete med Borgå Museum och Borgå marknadsförings- och utvecklingsenheten.

Featured verkkosivustolla tutustutaan elokuvien ja televisio-ohjelmien virtuaaliseen lavastamiseen.

Featured Multimedia Research and Development Virtual Scenography Virtual Stage VR/AR/XR Web Site

Wrestling with the Bee

A short fiction directed by Meritta Koivisto and starring Kati Outinen.

Featured Short Fiction